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U.S. control of Baghdad

2003-04-09 - 8:25 a.m.

Dear Left Knee:

Yeah. Thanks for waking me up at 4 a.m. in excruciating pain. That's always nice especially when I did what to you? Oh yeah, that's right. NOTHING. Get over yourself and stop making me remember you're there all the time. You're not that important. And, the ibuprofen? There's more to come, buddy... so, you can just stop doing all of your pain shit right now, because I'm not going to have it anymore. I refuse to have you make me look like a walking dumbass or be in pain all the time because you think it's funny. Asshole. Thanks!

Love, Me

The sights from Baghdad this morning make me happy/sad. I really, truly hope this is the end of the Saddam Regime for these people and that their celebration can continue. But, where do they go from here? I hope we and the rest of the world can help them ENOUGH to get them to be okay as a new entity. There's also a part of me that thinks Saddam is still alive and just waiting. Just waiting for everyone to think he's dead and laughing about it. And, then, he'll go to his little island out in the middle of some ocean that no one knows about and he'll dredge up his last few huge-ass bombs and carve, "I'm still here" on someone's soil with the bombs and then, we'll all be fucked.

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