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The "new job" people...

2003-01-24 - 4:59 p.m.

I called and left a message. It's 5 p.m. on a Friday and they haven't called back. I'm assuming I won't get a return call until Monday.

Usually, this would have me in a sort of semi-panic. I'd worry about it all weekend. I'd sit by the phone on Monday, with my resume in one hand, my cover letter in the other and a slew of positive things about me and all of my past jobs written on a piece of paper in front of me.

Right now, I'm thinking it will be nice if they call back (I'm sure they will since they originally called me first), but I'm not going to waste my day on Monday waiting around for them. And, I'm just going to let it all flow. Flow, flow, flow. I used to have such a good nice, calm flow going on my last year of college. Everything was perfect and I was calm and I had great poems on my walls and great books on my shelves and my own room and good friends. I think I have it back. I think I had it for a while just out of college - but, that was a depressed fluidity thing going on really and not very healthy at all because all it was really about was working, sleeping, running and eating one bowl of Life every day. Anyway, I am being a ramble-butt just because I got a call from a potential employer. Forgive me.

Everyone should watch the Venus/Serena match tonight on ESPN at 9:30.


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