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2003-01-15 - 11:08 a.m.

I'm not sure I can do this, but I think it might be fun...


I am 27.

I am 5'8".

I am way too heavy for my height. I used to have a perfect body, but I thought I was fat then. I am soon going to get back on track with all of that crap and hopefully be okay again.

I am a college graduate - Miami University (Ohio).

My English/Creative Writing degree does nothing for me currently. While I was getting my degree though, I was so passionate about it. Sometimes, I wish I still had that passion.

I am a rape survivor.

I am a survivor of being unemployed.

I once witnessed a murder right next door to where I grew up - I did not grow up in a bad neighborhood. But, I think I learned that you can't ever really say, "Things like that don't happen here." Because things happen. Everywhere.

I currently live with Booie. Booie is the person I would like to grow old with. Booie and I have tons of fun.

I used to twirl a rifle in a world class colorguard in high school. I was a two-time world champion. I can still twirl my rifle.

I have a younger brother. I call him Vomit. His real name is something else. He goes to BGSU.

My parents are still married. My dad retired a year and a half ago and is now working at the same place he worked before be retired, but he works in the lab instead of at a nice desk telling people in the lab what to do. He likes it. He is a nerd. My mom is a nurse. She hates it. She is not a nerd.

My only living grandparent (my mom's mom) was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. I used to love going to her house to spend the night as a kid. We always got McDonald's, pudding pops and popcorn. And Cheerios for breakfast.

I used to want to be an astronaut. I have a space collection. I can tell you the exact date and time (down to the millisecond) that the Challenger exploded. I can also list all of the people on that flight.



Michael Smith

Gregory B. Jarvis

Dick Scobee

Ron McNair

Ellison Onizuka

Judith Resnik

Christa McAuliffe

I am a nerd.

Booie has Multiple Sclerosis. I have to give Booie a shot once a week. Booie hates it and usually cries. Sometimes we skip the shot because it is so traumatic. Right now, it's been 2 weeks and 1 day since the last shot.

I own a 2001 L-series Saturn. His name is Jupiter. I love him so much. He is silver-blue and takes me everywhere and currently (amazingly!) only has about 12,000 miles on him. He is getting an oil change on Monday. He has no idea yet, but I'm sure he'll be excited when he sees all of his other Saturn buddies. Once, Jupi showed up for his oil change and all of the cars started honking at him. I'm not sure if it's truly because the other cars were excited to see him or if it was just because the mechanics were acting like assholes.

I used to work in teevee. I was a writer, field producer and producer for a few different newsrooms around the area. I also worked at PBS. Teevee is not as great as you would think. It is fun sometimes. But, most of the time, it seems like it would be better to just rot in hell.

Sometimes, I think I might be an alcoholic. I tend to get on kicks where I'll drink every night for a week or two and then, I just stop for a week or two. Most of the time, I don't get drunk because it takes too much energy to stay awake. I am usually passed out or drinking water after one beer/drink.

My favorite hard liquor is vodka. I love it straight. My favorite beer is probably Warsteiner. Sometimes, Guinness and sometimes, just plain old Bud Light.

I like water.

I don't eat red meat. Unless Booie makes it and it smells really good and I just can't help myself. That happened recently. Booie made a steak. It smelled good. I had a bite. Before I knew it, I ate half a steak. It was the first steak I had had since I was 12.

I love vegetables, but never eat enough. Tonight, I am going to the store and will try to buy a lot of vegetables.

I don't care much for carbonated drinks. When I do have them, it's usually Diet Cherry 7up - if I can find it.

I have six plants.

I had seven, but Cornelius died. I just recently took him back to Home Depot and got a full refund on him. He died 8 months ago.

I have two bookshelves full of books. Sometimes, I feel like I have a library. I have everything from "Catcher in the Rye" to "The Idiot's Guide To Beating Debt". I've never read the latter.

The last book I read was "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Everyone should read it.

I am a big brand freak when it comes to personal hygiene. I only use Secret deoderant, Gillette Daisy Plus razors, St. Ives conditioner, Noxema face pads, QTips, Dove soap and Crest toothpaste. It has been this way all my life and will never change. Especially the Dove and Crest thing -- that stems straight from my parents.

I am not a big brand freak when it comes to clothes or shoes or purses or any of that crap. Whatever is on sale and whatever fits is fine.

I am a big buyer of Kroger brand foods.

I have a few very close friends: Lammers, Christy, Brett, Kim, Sanna, Nikki, Tony, Tim, Shelley and Booie.

I have known Sanna since the 6th grade.

Sometimes, I think our lives are like "Beaches". Only neither of us is CeeCee Bloom - fortunately.

I love Tori Amos. However, I've learned that I am most fond of her old school stuff. I'm not really attracted to anything past "Boys for Pele". My most favorite album of hers is "Under the Pink". I also adore "Little Earthquakes" - especially the song "China".

I wish I could have a dog. My dog growing up was awesome. His name was Thumper. We got him when I was 9. He died two nights before I returned home from a trip I took after graduating from college. I said goodbye to him before I left.

I love the ocean and love to swim. I could live in or around water forever if I had to.

I've run two marathons. I cannot run anymore due to knee problems. It makes me sad a lot.

I never played a team sport. Unless you count that time in fourth grade that I played basketball for a few months.

As a child, I danced. I took ballet for six years, tap for one and gymnastics for a few years. I got up on pointe in ballet and tried it again a few weeks ago. Impossible.

Once I had a concussion. I was riding down a hill near my house on my bike and bit it. Somehow, I walked home and told my mom I didn't know who she was or where I was or what had happened.

Once, when I was four, I jumped off of our picnic table b/c I thought I could fly. I ended up in the E.R.

Once, when I was 11, I thought it would be a good idea to jump on my pogo stick on the ice. It worked for an hour until I fell and broke my left arm.

I have never been in a car accident. Except for that one time that Norwood cop rear-ended me. Do you think it's bad that I laughed the whole time they took the accident report?

My first kiss was with a boy named Chaz Dunlevy. We kissed at Camp Shawano (sp?) in 6th grade.

I love snow and snowmen.

I enjoy coffee, but don't drink it often enough because of the "wait factor" involved with brewing a pot of coffee. It's easier to get water.

I've written a lot more than I thought I could. It's been an hour now so, it's time to stop.


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