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2003-01-04 - 8:49 p.m.

So, I'm halfway done with my workweek... this time, it's a six-day week. Then, off one day, work three and off two. I'm really looking forward to that off two. I've also been sick and damn! Can I tell you how much I think I need to just continue taking Kroger's generic "Pain Reliever Cold" - the "drowsy" kind. It just relaxes me so much, I think it's really just a cover for an OTC anti-anxiety med. Sometimes, I really scare myself. So, anyway, tonight I'm making some yum chicken and just having a few drinks (my new favorite: vodka, 7up, ice and cherries = yum). Booie will be home at 11.

New Year's Eve was weird. There was this whole Lammers talking to me about Booie and me and Christy was crying and it was all just weird. And, I remember sitting at the table and just thinking about how, six years ago, I was getting ready to graduate and how much I hated that New Year's. To have 1997 come around was the worst thing that could have ever happened. And, it made me kind of sad. And, I thought about Karen and Liz and Jen and Courtney and I wondered what they were up to, here, six years later after we all felt the effects of being in group together, talking about our experiences with rape. Do they still think about it? How much does it affect them? I mean, shit, for Liz, it was just 8 years. 8 years is a long time to forget about a lot of things and make them not real. I wonder about Karen and Jen - definitely Jen. I think Courtney and Liz are okay. Well, maybe not Courtney. I wonder what/if they think of me.

I've also thought about pancakes for a second tonight. Pancakes are awesome. But, I think it's sad that kids think it's great to have pancakes for dinner when, in reality, the parents are eyeing each other over their plate of pancakes, knowing this is all they can afford to feed their kids. I mean,a box of pancake mix is $2. It's the syrup that's expensive. I have an emergency box of pancake mix on my shelf right now. That is because about a month ago, I ran out of my other box. I don't eat pancakes much, but it certainly isn't as fun as it was that one time I remember eating them as a kid. And, I wonder, if my parents had to feed me pancakes or, if they were just something else to have. I wonder if they exchanged looks that evening; letting each other know that this is not the last meal in the house and someday, they will be able to laugh about it.

I need to go check on my chicken.


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