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The past week.

2002-12-30 - 5:27 p.m.

So, Xmas was good... and, it's almost New Year's... my, how time flies. It snowed on Xmas morning - it was great. Nice big flakes floating down to an already thick covering of snow. It was so soft and nice. I got good things too: a vacuum, lots of snowman shit (sometimes, my mom goes overboard with all of that stuff, but it's okay), a pedometer and a few other things. Some books and CDs. And, my grandma... she got me a charm bracelet that is so meant for 14 year old girls, but I love it. The little charms say: live, love, laugh, trush, cherish, forever. It makes me cry. I know I will have it until I die. And, always, always think of her and try not to cry.

So, after Xmas, Brett came down, hence the last entry. He tried to teach me some html... I used a bit of it in news when we had to update our site, but that's been a few years. And, if you click on the link in the last entry, you'll see what Brett does every day. And, you'll find his picture there too. While Brett was here, Anette stopped by. So, that was fun. And, we had Dewey's -- yum.

Let's see... last Saturday, we went to Lammers's parents house and played poker and pool and other games. They have an awesome basement that is so meant for parties. Pool, ping pong, darts, three game tables, a wet bar and a bathroom. I only lost $1.90 at poker. Booie lost a lot more.

I'm not sure how Booie and I are doing right now. It's kind of weird. Last week, I asked Booie if there was something wrong or if there was anything I needed to do b/c Booie seemed down. Booie didn't really respond. And, now I don't know what to do except to keep on pretending that everything is okay and keep on laughing with Booie and keep on keeping the kitchen and bathroom clean and keep on vacuuming and taking the trash out and just keep on trying to keep the outside of our lives looking perfect. Tomorrow, I'm cleaning off the kitchen table and the hall table. Perfect.

Tonight, Booie is at a game so, I'm going to shower and go try to find a movie to buy with my Best Buy gift card - I'm hoping for A Beautiful Mind. If I get it, I'm coming back here, doing laundry, drinking Smirnoff and watching that. Hopefully, they'll have it. Bye.

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