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2002-11-12 - 6:58 p.m.

So, a few things:

There's a girl named Jen. There always seem to be girls named Jen. And, they always seem to "get in the way" -- remember Jen Parker? Yes... so, anyway, this Jen is a Jen that everyone loves. "Oh. Jen is so cute and nice." and she works with Booie in Booie's department. And, Booie always talks about her, but has never said, "Wow. Jen is hot. or Jen is cute." and so I think, "Well... Booie must not like Jen that way." But, I think Booie might. Because I always end up thinking that way about people who "threaten" me -- even though Jen is nice to me. So, she technically doesn't threaten me. But, I try not to be jealous when I see Booie and Jen talking about stuff and working together on stuff. And, I don't think I really am. But, since I am mentioning it, I must be. But, not like I was with Wendy. Remember Wendy? Holy shit, that was a mess. I swear, I would try to keep them apart so much. I mean, I would switch shit in "Assign.Today" and make it so Wendy and Booie wouldn't work together, but they would usually end up together anyway because they always worked the same schedule. And then, Booie would come home and tell me things about how funny Wendy is and shit like that. And, I think it really just stems from the fact that, all of a sudden, out of the blue, Wendy wanted the same job I wanted (and I'm not talking about the job I have now -- this is two jobs ago.. a teevee station.. I'm not telling which one b/c then you'll know who Wendy is and whatever) and she got it (because HER aunt wasn't the News Director) and then, six months later, she was reporter. And, I could never really be a reporter. Not without a lot of work. And a lot of weight loss. Wendy was perfect and Booie always worked with her. And I hated it. Once, I remember calling Shelley in tears b/c they were working together. What the fuck was that??!?! So, here is Jen now. Everyone loves Jen. And, Booie is not talking about Jen a lot. But, whenever Booie mentions Jen, I try not to close up and not even acknowledge it. I know it is certainly not as bad as the Wendy thing -- I hope nothing will ever be as bad as that -- but, I do have some jealously shit going on and I hate it. Booie will be home soon... after working all day with Jen. Goodbye.

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