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Did I think that outloud?

2002-07-25 - 3:24 p.m.

Well, kick me some ass... I just got done with the first portion of the bankruptcy bullshit. Turns out, they'll be taking HALF of my monthly payment out of each check I get. Great! Now, I won't be starving with one paycheck and livin' it up with the other. YAY! And, this way, I should be able to put away a nice chunk of change in the middle of each month. While the money I've got stashed for retirement now is pretty cushy, it can't hurt to continue socking it away so perhaps I can retire at 70 instead of 80 or 90. Or perhaps 55...

I got a call from my dad yesterday. Turns out my mom had chest pains and all of that fun stuff Monday and Tuesday - she spend Tuesday night in ICU at Sycamore and then, they did a heart catheterization test on her yesterday. It all turned out okay but, it scared the shit out of me for an hour or five. What's scary, is another girl at work had the same thing happen to her mom yesterday. Except her mom is a recovering drug addict and couldn't get the heart catheterization test done right away because they accidentally gave her Vicodin and since that's one of the drugs she has to keep out of her system the state incarcerated her for 48 hours before letting her get the heart test. Neat!

So, I can't decide whether or not to just go workout now or nap and then, workout. Chances are though, if I let my eyes shut, I'll wake up at 8 or 9 and just decide to sit on my ass for the rest of the night. I swear, it's getting bigger by the hour. I don't understand. My ass... not the night.

So, I think before the couch sucks me in, it's time to get on my workout crap and go rip my muscles to shreds. Rip, rip bo bip banana fana fo fip me my mo mip... rip.


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