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SIX - (really not six because that is bad and I don't want it to be six)

2002-07-24 - 12:36 a.m.

Dear Anyone,

Please add me to your favorites list. Even if only for a few days until someone else adds me. I cannot only be listed on six pages right now. Six = bad. Six is a bad number. Booie taught me this and I would not like to be at this point in my life right now. Especially since I am alcoholiced and alone right now. I don't want to only be at number six. Seven is fine. Nine is fine. Twelve might be tricky but, okay. JUST NOT A GOD DAMN BLATENT SIX, YOU FUCKERS!!!!

Love always and forever,


p.s. -- I swear, I am not suffering from OCD. It's just a Booie thing and Booie's not here now and I am alone and six freaks me out even more than when Booie is here talking about how bad six is and the alarm can't even be set to where it adds up to six. Oh boy. Don't commit me. Love, Me.

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