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Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff

2002-07-13 - 8:29 p.m.

So, Booie's neice is coming down to spend the night tonight. Should be good times. They're going to go look at college tomorrow for Jex - U.C., X.U. and perhaps the infamous M.U.... believe me, I'll tell her plenty of stories to perk her interest. Of course, there's also the diversity issue there... or lack of one at M.U.... but, I think she'd be able to handle it. And love it.

So, I pulled some bullshit story about someone's brother's neice's nephew's uncle's girlfriend's son's kid dying to get me out of bolting out of work the other day. What boggles my mind, is that NO ONE ever asked what happened, etc. And when I went back the next day (10 minutes early also!), about ten people said, "I heard you quit." Hmmmm... nice. They don't even have the decency to fucking call my house to see if I did indeed quit. They just wasted all of their energy spreading meaningless gossip about the floor. Fuckers. I have even less respect for them now. I hope they get what they deserve one of these days. P hasn't said a word to me. S has said, "Want to go to lunch?" Yeah... and when I asked her if I could leave the other day I had to bite my tongue to not say, "Are you sure it's okay? You're not gonna tell everyone I quit again are ya?" But, I didn't. For shame... I didn't. Perhaps next time. I'm excited to see how all of this plays out. I can't wait to pounce on them if they ask anything about it.

So, back to the good times a comin' tonight. It looks as if we'll kick back, view some senior pics, talk about colleges and perhaps watch a flick. Pizza might be in the works as well. Even though I already had a yummy to my tummy calzone from Dewey's. But, that's pretty much all I've had today save for the bag o' pretzels at work because I couldn't get my ass out of there for lunch. No worky outy... but, I'll do that tomorrow. Someone said to me today that they thought that I'd lost a lot of weight. Perhaps... or else it's that damn back belt I'm not wearing anymore. Although, I don't think that ever made me look huge. Well, kind of... but, I always wore it on the outside of my clothes... so, people knew it was the backbelt and not some obscure fat rolls lurking from beneath my apron. So, perhaps I've lost some pounds (yay! xenadrine) or I was just having a good day. I think it might be both.

It smells like a dead cow in here all of a sudden.

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