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Working Out

2002-06-19 - 10:17 a.m.

Dear Shelley,

Too bad you left the gym. Someone died after a masked gunman stormed through the exit doors and starting shooting anyone in sight. Luckily, I had completed the weight circuit and was upstairs on the EFX machine. I was able to sneak out the back door by the aerobics room. Only one person died, I think. Although, you should probably tune into your local news to get the true story. Good thing I didn't really see anything. I don't want to have to be witness to two murders in my life. Perhaps next time you'll stick around instead of being a crybaby about how tired you are. Did you make your omelet? I just made one. It is as big as my head. Goodbye. See you on Friday!

Love, The Koke

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