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Glad I'm Not...

2002-06-18 - 7:33 a.m.

I'm supposed to be at work right now. Instead, I called in sick at 5:15. Since, I've come upon a lot of stuff from college -- all of the stuff I sporadically love to look through and hope and wish I were there again and as learned as I was during that time of my life. And, then I realize, I know more things now than I knew then, in my strange innocence that I claimed was actually a progression from what I thought I knew. And, now here I am, knowing more but, thinking the things I knew then are gone and I am not as polished as I once was. And it all makes me want to go back and study and learn and think the way I thought then. And know that tomorrow, I will have a paper due and I will get an exam back and I will plan my next semester and my life will just go on... credit hour by credit hour until I have enough to get the blessings of the dean and president and venture out into the world in which I have no business being. Yes, that is where I stand today. I am so thrilled I'm not at work.

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