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What a weird few days...

2002-05-15 - 7:04 p.m.

Let's see:

I went to the Reds game on Friday with Christy, Kim and Booie. We had free green seats from Christy's Bud rep - all we had to do was wear a shirt with the word Budweiser on it. Easy. We got plastered. I flashed many commuters on Fort Washington Way.

On Saturday, someone I know/knew died. I never liked him much when he was alive... in fact, a few times, I loathed the SOB. But, he's dead now. And, I can't stop thinking about him and his family and how weird it must be at the station without him there even though he left there a few months ago. It bothers me.

On Sunday, I saw my mom and my grandma and the rest of my family - including Vomit's Laura. Vomit's three hour stints at the BGSU rec center have certainly paid off... perhaps he should hate all of his future roommates.

On Monday, I worked and it was slow as hell. It was painfully slow. It was raining and that was why. Brad took me to lunch. That was fun.

Yesterday, I slept in. For real this time. Until 11:45 when Booie called me.

Today, I worked. Seven hours straight with no relief/no break/nothing because Paul is a dumbass and can't keep his schedule straight. I find it amusing how some folks are still employed.

Shelley came over for our workout. She took a nap and I played Scrabble on the computer.

Perhaps now I'll go run. Must wait for my Doodles noodles to digest. We're definitely hitting Lunken Field tomorrow. It shall be fun.

Tomorrow is the funeral for that person I knew. I'm not going.

Fucked up shit.

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