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2002-04-15 - 9:36 a.m.

So, yeah... I slept in today. Until 9:30. How weird is that? I remember when sleeping in meant noon or one. Don't get me wrong... I'm going to try to lounge around all day and if I fall asleep on the couch I won't be mad. But, I doubt that will happen. My only plans for today are to pickup some more gum, workout and do the dishes. Apparently, it's supposed to be 80 degrees today. There might be a trip to the perfect people with dogs park in the mix as well.

I feel naked/weird because Booie didn't say goodbye to me this morning. I woke up to this note: " I said 'goodbye' but you didn't wake up -- luckily, you were still breathing -- so, I let you sleep. See you at lunch. B." Now, I probably would have done the same thing because I really like it when my Booie can get a good night's sleep but, this has upset me for some reason. Perhaps it's because I woke up screaming last night at 3:45 and nothing was said at that point in time... but, I knew in the back of my mind that we would talk about it in the morning. Now, I have to wait until 6 p.m. So, yes... I even had a double dose of nighttime drama/trauma. Had the crazy dreams again (this was after 3:45 when I feel back asleep with the light on) about college. Except this time, it was way fucked up. There were so many new things there and too many kids and I actually hated it. Still tried and tried and tried to get in contact with her. Will it ever end? Okay. Bye.

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