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Sidewalks suck

2002-04-08 - 1:18 p.m.

Wolfing down my lunch like always (pasta is 80 cents and sauce is 90 at the Kroger) because I'm never in a hurry to get on with my life and get to where I need to be to succeed. So, I'm not running late (because I would never fucking run late b/c I am perfect) but, I am rushing like a maniac and I can't do anything quick enough. And, there is never ever ever enough... and, I keep thinking about the recurring dream I had as a kid. Me pushing Vomit in his stroller and having the sidewalk cave in on me with every step I took. I'd always manage to get myself back up on the sidewalk (just barely) and take the next step... and the sidewalk always fell in. Fucking sidewalks. I hate sidewalks.

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