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Money. College. Damn it all...

2002-04-06 - 5:26 p.m.

Haven't been doing much of anything except wondering where i went wrong and how much longer I have to wait to make it right again. I'm tired of money. Of not having it and hearing about how others have it. We went over to Lammers last night - he just bought a new house. Tony and Nikki I think are loaded... they just don't act like it. But, they're dropping 4-500 bucks at stores all the time... and it's cash... not credit. Force just got an extra two weeks pay with her "goodbye" check from 48 because they fucked up her vacation time. I just want to have money. And, my next three paychecks are already spent. It will be May 10th before I have money... and, then, I'll have to do things like get a haircut, pay for more glucophage, get an oil change, etc. So, I won't have money. And, then on May 24th, I won't have money because my whole check will go to my car payment and my rent - so, I'll have like 70 bucks left. But, then, in June, I'll have money. A whole check full of money. But, then I still owe my parents and my dentist and my overdraft protection. And, at the end of June I won't have money b/c it will be rent and car payment time again. Perhaps in July? I just don't know. Sometimes I want to slit my throat. I hate money.

Why can't we all just get along?

Shit, I so wish I were in college again. Nothing to worry about except whether or not my meal plan was going to run out. I can't believe it's been five years. FIVE YEARS. That's a fucking long time. And, I still weep. And, SUSHI KICKS ASS.

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