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Jen's Partee

2003-04-27 - 11:13 a.m.

Mmmmm... parties where everyone shows up because the person the party is for is leaving town are nice. Everyone was there. Everyone was happy. There were plenty of jello shots and beer. AND, I'm not hung over. (Side thought: I sure wish I could find that tape with 'The Ice Storm' on it. I so want to watch that movie. End side thought.)

At the same time, there was plenty of drama. Ted. Remember Ted from the party in February? Yes, Ted is attracted to me. Ted wants to sleep with me. Ted and I were talking in the smoking room and it was almost to the point where I felt uncomfortable and then, about 10 people came in and we smoked and the lights went out accidentally and, while they were out, I snuck upstairs to talk with Phony. I told Phony I wasn't sure what I wanted (and I really, really, really don't) and that she should make sure I stay by her side all night. So, she did. Anytime, Ted would pop up, she would plop down beside me and just start talking. Phony is the best. And, Phony was a virgin jello-shotter until about 11 last night. No more! Congratulations Phony! Nice kid, really. Then, at about one, the cops showed up and left, but then, so did everyone else. And Ted. Then, it just got really cold and my ride was leaving so, I thought about staying, but decided to jet.

Today, is just a laundry, workout, buy gum and pick up pills day. And eat. God, I am starving. I had four of those chili/spaghetti hog dog shit things at the party last night! I should be sated until at least four or five today. I hate it when my tummy is just never happy. Piggie, Koko.

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