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Stupid Koko

2003-04-11 - 5:11 a.m.

Didn't sleep well last night. Why, you ask? Because I thought I would be okay talking in bed to Booie about us... it wasn't even like I thought about it... it just happened. And, I was okay. Until we talked about seeing other people. And, I was a little okay. Until I asked Booie if we would tell each other when/if we started seeing other people - just out of common courtesy (especially since we're still living together/sleeping together/walking around semi-naked). Booie replied with, "I threw common courtesy out the door a long time ago.", joking about how customers where Booie works taught Booie that. I wondered how that REALLY applied to our relationship and why Booie was joking about it. And why Booie would do that to me.

I'm tired.

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