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Discover Nursing!

2003-04-07 - 8:06 a.m.

What a nice, nice, nice rainy morning. I want to just watch it instead of teevee. I am so happy to do nothing today - another lazy day! Oh - except for working out and cleaning a bit. I've really seemed to relax about the cleaning thing lately. Not as if our place is a mess, but I did spend all day cleaning about a month ago and I've just been maintaining that since. Or perhaps I'm just lazy as stated two entries ago... I have no idea anymore.

What I do know is that I checked out this website last night:

Discover Nursing

And, it scared the shit out of me, but it also didn't and it made me excited. The scary part is that I don't want to do it because I don't want my mom to have the satisfaction of saying, "Yeah. She's following in MY footsteps." I soooo don't want to do that at all. But, if I take the mom factor out of it, I think it's something I've wanted to try for a while now. Just been very afraid to admit it because of the mom factor. So, I need to look into this... possibly for something to do next January? I wonder how long it would take... I certainly don't need to repeat a lot of stuff. I tried to find more info on BA to BSN programs at U.C., but there wasn't any. I should make an appointment. Holy shit!

p.s. - Everyone should check out that site. It's sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and they're running promos about it everywhere and I thought, "Why not?" and it's one of the best site layouts I've seen in a long time.

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