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Nervous Breakdown #1

2003-03-27 - 11:23 a.m.

Dear everyone I come in contact with everyday,

For some reason, I am not happy/good right now. Perhaps it's Booie... perhaps it's the war. Perhaps it's just me. I hate work because I think I am never doing a good enough job... and it's just retail. I feel like the entire management team is watching me... and to feel as if you're being watched 40 hours a week, it's not good. And, it's not like I've received any kind of input from them... they would really tell me if they didn't like me. And I am still three strikes away from being fired. They can't fire me until they warn me that they might fire me... three times. And, I haven't had one. But, I feel like it's going to happen any second. And, the whole Booie thing. I try not to think about it. And, I don't for the most part and then, a stupid song will come on in the fucking store and poof! I get to cry in the middle of an aisle while trying to dodge customers. Neat!

And, you know what? I think I have to stop writing now b/c I'm starting to have one of those weirdo "migraines" where there are blank spots in front of me and I can't see really well, but there is no pain... just blindness. Hmmmm... not good considering I'm only on my lunch break. Driving back to work will be fun.

So, I'll finish all of my drama later.

before - after

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