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The return of me

2003-03-07 - 10:17 p.m.

I'm back. We have a whole new system and are finally up to date with Windows XP and everything! Even got a new monitor! So, no more crashies!

Hmmm... trying to think back to the events of the past week+. Let's see... Mr. Rogers died, we went to the boat for my birthday and Shelley's birthday and kind of Booie and Lammers' birthdays and I took $140 (brave, I know) and left with $15. At one point, I was up about $200, but I let that slide like I never thought I would. At least I left with $15. And, i went there thinking I would leave with nothing, so, in the end, I came out completely on top. So, that was fun. And, I had 3/1-3/4 off to celebrate the birthday thing and my mom didn't call me on my birthday and that made me sad b/c she always calls and sings to me and that is it and we hang up. I waited all day and no call. But, I am 28 now and I can't get all bent out of shape just because my mom didn't call me on my birthday. I told her I was disappointed though (via email)... I still haven't heard back from her. And, last night, a bunch of people from work went with me to this little bar in Norwood and it was fun and I got to play the bowling machine and we went back to Phony's house and had some drinks and it was nice. And, now the big news.

Booie and I are near death. Really. Well, not really, like dying, but our relationship is crap. And, we talked about it on the Sunday right before the series finale of Oz. I brought it up while we were waiting for our Bangkok Bistro at the Bangkok Bistro place and it was so funny b/c we both admitted to it and it was just weird and then, the sushi guy came out with our sushi and the order taker guy was like, "Oh. You can put them in one bag. They're together." And, i just laughed. And, then i got in the car and cried. And, I've cried some other times about it and we haven't really talked about it much more, but when we did talk about it on the Sunday before the Oz series finale, I found out Booie is just kind of sick of me. Booie has a very tiny level of tolerance for ANYONE so, the fact that Booie has put up with me for almost five years is just amazing. Anyway, Booie thinks I am not my own person, and I can kind of see that b/c when we were first together, we were on Booie's turf and I kind of had to watch the teevee Booie wanted to watch and stuff like that if I wanted to be around Booie. But, I guess Booie wanted me to go home more to my own house. Which I didn't like to do b/c I am a big clinger-head so, I think I messed it up. and, Booie thinks we moved to fast - too fast? I don't understand that one. Because we knew we were moving too fast, but we were really in love and just loved being around each other. So, we are still sleeping in the same bed and some days kisses are exchanged and some days not and we are both very gentle with each other. And, we are still in love with each other. I think we need to talk about it more, though. And, make it heal. And, maybe kind of start over. And, get our own hobbies and do more things on our own. The good thing is, I no longer feel guilty for wanting to go workout when Booie is here. I used to try to get my workouts in before Booie was home so that, when Booie got home, i would be here. No more, jose. If I go to workout at 3:45 and Booie gets of work at 4:00, then I am staying until at least 5:30. That way, I can get a good workout in and be all pretty and stuff and Booie can have alone time and miss me and maybe that will help. We do have a relationship where we do almost everything together and have a lot of the same friends and stuff so, we need to expand. Like tonight, Booie is out with Lammers. And, last night, Booie was invited to my work party, but didn't go and I had a ton of fun without Booie there. It's not like we never knew we could be happy without each other, it's just that we never did it, so we have to start being apart or it will not be good. So, that's the story with me and Booie. We are still okay, but not okay.

But, we have a new computer! And, we're going to get a new teevee soon because our teevee is shit even though it is only three years old. Never get a Samsung. We can't read anything on our screen anymore. Sports? Forget it. Can't read the score it's so blurry. And forget about movies with subtitles... we'd understand it better by just listening to the french/german/spanish. We don't know why it sucks so bad, but it does. So, never ever ever buy a Samsung and, if you just got one, take it back and get something else. And, I might get a new vacuum soon. And, my parents are coming down to celebrate my birthday on Monday and they're bringing Vomit. But, oh! I forgot! My dad got laid off last friday - crappy. But, I think they're okay (as much as you can be okay without a paycheck) b/c they went out to eat that night and stuff and he is just looking for another job. He still has his retirement benefits and stuff. So, we might be getting pizza instead of going to Buca di Beppo or Andiamo! (go to this restaurant if you live in Cincinnati. I have never been there, but you should go. It just opened right near my house and they are completely trying to build this area up - there is even a yoga/pilates/massage place going in across the street from there?!?! So, support this part of town. It's on Madison. Yes, I know it's a long road. I'm not going to tell you exactly where b/c then, you'll know where I live. But, if you can find it, then you'll know kind of where I live. But, you really won't b/c you don't really know where I live and it's a secret. But, I live near Andiamo! and it's new.) on Monday - which is fine b/c I just want to hang out with my family.

So, anyway... congratulations if you read this far. You deserve a nap. Or a stiff drink. Your choice.

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