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2002-10-18 - 10:00 p.m.

Chilling on a Friday night... I just sent out two resumes. One for a kick ass job. The other, for a kick ass job that is in Lexington, KY. I could drive 45 min. - 1 hour each day if the money is right. I have two other jobs to apply for... but, they're not as easy simply because there is no e-mail address to which to send them. The internet age is so awesome and it's disappointing when you actually have to print out a cover letter and put it on nice paper and make sure the envelope looks pretty. I love just whipping out a cover letter and poof! sending it with my resume attached. Done.

I just watched Beetlejuice. I can't believe that I used to worship that movie. How weird. Someday I will be normal.

Some other things I've done this evening:

-Napped on the couch

-Cleaned up the area where Curtis (basil plant), Lil' Curt Curt (a part of Curtis that just fell off and grew roots so we planted him), Mo Cheeks(Jade plant) and Ken Griffey Jr.(a cactus, of course) sit. I can't believe we are into plants. Have I said that before?!?! I remember when I was first at Miami and completely homesick, my aunt visited me and bought me food, a magazine and a plant. "We should get you a plant." And, I remember thinking, "I have no interest in plants, lady. But, since you are being nice, I will try it." My roommate ended up taking care of the plant 'cause they were just weird to me. How could you care for a plant? I had no connection to my plant. Now I know how you can care for a plant. They are so awesome and if you talk to them, they grow all nice and some of them you can eat and they only need water every once in a while and it's fun to go to the store and buy them plant food and tell the cashier, "Yeah. My buddies need food." Because they really are your buddies and you know that if you don't talk to them and take care of them they would not be as cute as they are. Geez... can't wait to see what I'll be like when we finally get a dog.

-Uh... so, back to my list...




-Cleaned the bathroom

-Applied for jobs

-Updated my wish list on Amazon

I think that's it.

Tomorrow, we are spending Sweetest Day night with Christy. We were there last weekend, helping her paint and stuff, and she was so gungho about having us over tomorrow to help paint. We think she is so affected by Sweetest Day because she has no one. We don't really think about Sweetest Day... so, we're going to spend the evening with Christy so she is not lonely.

Brett got jumped this morning. He was going to do laundry in his apartment complex and ended up getting pretty bashed up. Apparently, he was jumped six years ago around this same date... weird. I wish I could visit him so I could do his laundry for him. Poor buddy.

That is all. Bye.

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