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2002-07-29 - 4:24 p.m.

Dear Koko,

The next time you go walking at Lunken, please remember it is a six mile route and you will need more than one water bottle.

Love, Koko

p.s. - you might also want to take your phone because it probably wasn't very smart to be on that deserted back stretch without some sort of device that might save your life should someone sneak out of the bushes on either side of you and throw you in that river you just discovered back in those bushes today... i mean, i understand about today. how were you supposed to know it was going to be so fucking deserted on a monday afternoon? you're right... you're right! usually, when you go, there are many people back there and today, there were none. perhaps it was a once in a lifetime thing. i just think, for your safety, you should consider toting your cellie along next time, k?

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