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2002-07-08 - 6:35 p.m.

I think I'm depressed. My family is fucked up. The whole "panic attack" thing has really boggled my mind. My mom is especially fucked up and she thinks everyone else is fucked up, not her.

I went to Yucatan last night (way too trendy, I know... but, it was empty and everything was cheap) with a bunch of people from work. I can't believe I'm associating with them outside of work. I never used to do that. I'm frightened this means I've become complacent with where I work and I do not want that.

I've been crying a lot lately. Just out of the blue. Sometimes, I don't like being around Booie. But, I don't think I like being around anyone right now. I just spent all of today inside when it was fairly nice out. Usually, I love to soak up the sun. And, I'm always craving nice days and time to spend out in them. But, here I am -- inside. I slept on the couch all day. Of course, I did have to tend to that mini-hangover until about noon today. But, still that shouldn't have ruined my day. Now I'm not off until Friday. I hope it's nice then. Perhaps I'll do the right thing. Maybe someday I'll do the right thing in every portion of my life.

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