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Dreams and Work

2002-06-24 - 9:07 a.m.

God, what weird dreams. i was back at school and had no idea where anything was. Ungie was there and all kinds of people from work. Neuman was my neighbor. I had a doctor's appointment that I was late for. Britt was there. Brad rented us an old milk truck so I could get to my appointment on time. It was way weird.

I'm so sick of work. Today is my fourth day in a row. After today, only four more to go. I'm so tired. I haven't worked out since Thursday. I'm tired of Sarah fucking around. I"m going to talk to Karen today about it. I'm tired of Paul being late all the time. I'm tired of the schedule or lack of one. I'm just tired. I'm applying for new jobs tonight. Nothing will happen with them, but I'm applying. I could do both of them but, they won't think so. And, I'll just do this job forever. And never leave. And never make decent money. And just be a loser. It's fun!

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