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Alvin, Simon... Theodore!

2002-03-18 - 1:42 p.m.

I'm still in pain and still chipmunky. Although, it's not bad. I almost puked from the drugs yesterday so, I scaled it down to using my vicodins. They're not working. But, I'm trying to ignore the pain. I may take one last Lorcet today since it will be the last time I'll really be able to - unless I want to puke at work tomorrow. We'll see. I'm trying to decide if I want macaroni and cheese, oatmeal or another one of those damn good burritos. Or just a beer. Yum. Beer. I wish I could chug it. It kinda hurts to chug. Chug. what a weird word. So, anyway, Booie's at work until 10 so, that leaves me and the teevee. I was going to try to workout today but, I don't really think that's a good idea. Which means I may not be able to workout until Friday due to work schedules and doctor's appointments. I'm trying not to freak out about that. My body needs to rest - right?

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