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It's Christmas time in the city.

2001-12-25 - 6:26 p.m.

Christmas is done and what a wonderful one it was... there was even snow!! Now, if we only could've gotten rid of Karla everything would have been fine. I got a lot of things I needed and a few things I didn't need: underwear, purse, money, CDs, books, a ring, snowman stuff, etc.

I am so happy to have such an awesome family and I am sad for those who couldn't spend time with their loved ones (especially those who perished 9.11) - Christmas was quite different this year: Grandma is dying and Camryn is the star of the show (as she should be).

Waiting for my Booie now... I'm excited for Booie to meet Vomit on Saturday. Okay. Bye.

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